Tess Moeke-Maxwell
Tess is a a Research Fellow in the School of Nursing, University of Auckland. She is a member of the Te Ārai Palliative and End of Life Research Group, directed by Professor Merryn Gott and guided by the Te Ārai Kaumātua Rōpū. She has contributed to a range of palliative and end of life care projects involving Māori; for example she was the lead Māori researcher for the Financial Cost of Care pilot study, Pākeketanga – a study of older Māori and non-Māori’s end of life circumstances and care; the Māori digital story-telling pilot and Pae Herenga, a study of traditional care customs. Tess also has a background in sexual abuse trauma counselling and mental health research; since 2010 she has been a member of the New Zealand ACC Sensitive Claims Advisory Group. Tess’s PhD provided a discourse analysis of Māori women’s post-colonial hybridity. She won a New Zealand Health Research Council’s post-doctoral award to study the end of life needs of Māori who live with a life limiting illness and their whānau caregivers (Kia Ngawari study) at the Māori & Psychology Research Unit, University of Waikato. Since 2012 she has been an active member on Hospice New Zealand’s Foundations of Spiritual Care Governance Board.
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