Steven Torres Carne
Steven, though born and bred in Darwin of mixed Aboriginal Australian, Spanish/Phillipino, English, Scottish and French heritage, he is a proud Bardi and Jabbir Jabbir man (Dampier Peninsula WA) who’s Bardi name is Djumbleboy and Yolngu (NE Arnhemland) name is Bilij Bilij (Lorikeet).
He is employed as a Portfolio Lead for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Healing Foundation where he supports the development of healing initiatives and knowledge creation across Northern Australia.
Steven has studied Law at UWA from 1995 to 2002 and completed Phase 1 Mawul Rom Cross Cultural Mediation Indigenous Knowledge's (CDU).
Steven has extensive previous experience in working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander agencies within the Northern Territory and WA in the legal, land, NT & Commonwealth government and community service sectors, and over latter years in the development of youth, men’s and community healing processes. Through a process of codesign he has supported the establishment of effective community driven initiatives. Steven has been chairperson of the Broome Men’s Outreach service and also a representative on the men’s Ministerial advisory committee in the NT. Steven is a passionate supporter of the development of men’s healing and creating strong families and communities.
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